Soal Latihan Bahasa Inggris SD Kelas 3 Bab Transportasion

Nama :
Kelas :
Tanggal :

I. Choose the correct answer by crossing (x) a b c or d! (Pilihlah jawaban yang benar dengan menyilang (x) huruf a b c atau d!)

1. What is this? This is a... *
a. car
b. cart
c. pedicab
d. train

2. Look at the picture below! I go to school by... *
a. tricycle
b. motorcycle
c. bicycle
d. plane

3. Mr. Iwan goes to Lampung by.... *
a. sheep
b. train
c. boat
d. ship

4. What is that? That is a.... *
a. truck
b. bus
c. motorbike
d. bike

5. My mother goes to the market by.... *
a. cart
b. pedicab
c. helicopter
d. boat

6. Mr. Arman goes to Bali by.... *
a. bus
b. train
c. ship
d. plane

7. Rearrange these words below to make a good sentence! *
a. He goes to car by the office
b. He goes to the office by car
c. The car goes to office by He
d. The office goes to He by car

8. Translate into English! "Dia (P) pergi ke Bandung memakai kereta" *
a. he goes to bandung by plane
b. she goes to bandung by plane
c. he goes to bandung by train
d. she goes to bandung by train

9. What transportation is this? This is a.... *
a. bus
b. ambulance
c. truck
d. taxi

10. Translate into Bahasa Indonesia! "He goes to Jakarta by car" *
a. dia (p) pergi ke jakarta memakai delman
b. dia (l) pergi ke jakarta memakai mobil
c. mereka pergi ke jakarta memakai mobil
d. dia (l) pergi ke jakarta memakai delman

11. Water transportation
a. car, ship, ferry
b. canoe, sailing ship, boat
c. ferry, lorry, plane
d. car, ship, train

12. . . . . has two wheels.
a. scooter
b. truck
d. taxi
d. pedicap

13. Father – a – car – drives
a. car father a drives
b. father drives a car
c. father a drives car
d. a drivers car father

14.Ani : what is that ?
Budi : is it a . . . .
a. pedicap
b. helicopter
c. canoe
d. sailing ship

a. We not go do by plane
b. We do not go by plane
c. Plane not go do by we
d. Plane do not go by we

II. Fill in the blanks based on the questions
1. He is a pilot. He flies the . . . .
A : . . . . do you go to school ?
B : I go to school by bike.
3. Likes – my father – to go – by car – to – office
My Father . . . . . . . . .
4. Mahrus goes to school . . . .
5. Mr. Wahid has two motorcycles in the garage.
Pak Wahid . . . . .
6. A : Is the ship an air transportation ?
B : . . . . .
7. A : Do you have a bicycle at home ?
B : . . . . . .
8. A : What is it ?
B : It is a . . . . .
9. = . . . . .
A : How does father go to the office?
B : He goes by . . . .

III. Answer the questions

My Uncle

Mr. Santosa is my grandfather. He lives in Semarang. He wantd to visit Jakarta by plane. My family and I pick him up in Soekarno Hatta Airport. We go to there by car.

1. What is your grandfather’s name ? He is . . . .
2. Where do he live ? He lives in . . . . .
3. Where does he want to visit ? he want to visit . . . . .
4. Does he want to visit Bandung ? . . . .
5. Where do you and your family pick him up ? We pick him up . . . . . .

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